Monday 13 October 2008

Friday 10 October 2008

Few Words Of My Vocabulary


 Thin
 Tiny
 Bounces
 Creep
 Droplets: Gotas
 Further
 Moist
 Gaelic: Old Scottish language
 Red Cross: Cruz roja
 Leaflets: Flyers de doblar
 Household goods: Bienes de la casa. Comida, luces, maquinas.
 Fair trade: If you do the format, you can get the product cheaper.
 Almost: Casi
 Also: (too) tambien
 Awful: more bad
 Accurately: exactamente
 Above: Sobre
 Acknowledge: reconocer
 Attempt: V. Intentar/ n. Intento
 Among: entre more than 2
 Begin: empezar
 Bright: brillante
 Both: ambos
 Bridge: Puente
 Bride: soborno
 Burglar: ladron
 Bedclothes: pyjama (ropa de dormer)
 Behavior: comportamiento
 Between: compation only 2.
 Burn down: Complete destroyed by fire.
 Brainstorm: lluvia de ideas
 Chatting: chat
 Cloudless: despejado
 Carefully: cuidadosamente
 Crawl: gatear
 Childhood: niñez
 Convenient: better form
 Current: corriente
 Chased: escaper
 Dizzy: mareado
 Drop: Gotas
 Dropped: disminuyo
 Dirty: sucio
 Distract: distraer
 Dress up: vestirse elegante
 Depress: unhappy
 Desk: mesa
 Depend on: dependencia negative (drugs)
 Effort: esfuerzo
 Encourage: animar
 Ensure: asegurar
 Fail: fallar, fracasar
 Fees: honorarios, pago
 Find: encontrar
 Fear: miedo
 Filthy: very dirty
 Further : muy lejos
 Get: obterner, conseguir
 Gorgeous: pretty, so beautiful
 Gonna: go to
 Guarantee: garantia
 Hungry: hambre
 Homesick: nostalgic
 High: alto
 Highbrow: sofisticado, intellectual
 Hooked: addicted
 Huge: enormous
 Hope: esperar
 Hearth: Corazon
 Head each: dolor de cabeza
 Each: dolor
 Heaven: cielo
 Hell: infierno
 However: sin embargo
 Hug: abrazo, abrazar
 Hoodlum: similar to ganster
 Improve: mejorar
 Injury: lesion
 Just: justo, presisamente
 Jaw: quijada
 Joking: bromista, broma
 Jealous: celos
 Judge: juez
 Join in: take part
 Keep: guarder
 Lazy: perezoso
 Lonely: solitary
 Londoner: londinense
 Lying: mentiroso, falso
 Liability: responsabilidad
 Look over: read but not carefully
 Look up: sin concentracion
 Light up: iluminar
 Liar: mentiroso
 Meet: encontrar, conocer
 Moustache: bigote
 Matter: asunto
 Must: deber
 Nuisance: estorbo
 Outdoor: aire libre
 Outfit: conjunto ropa
 Own: propio
 Often: many times (frecuently)
 Ozone layer: capa de ozono
 Pass: pasar
 Pray: orar, rezar
 Proffesor: teacher at university
 Powerful: poder
 Punish: castigo
 Roller-coasters: montaña rusa
 Robber: ladron
 Rowling: remar
 Shot: disparo
 Suddenly: repentinamente
 Strong: fuerte
 Spend: gastar
 Strength: fuerza
 Show: mostrar
 Surprised: amazing
 Surgeon: Doctor, cirujano
 Still: continuar
 Sink: hundir
 Such: tal
 Share: dividir, compartir
 See off: dejar de ver
 So on: etc
 Thilled: more exited
 Taste: sabor
 Timely: oportuno
 Therefore: por consiguiente
 Mess: desorden
 Untrue: mentira
 Weakness: debilidad
 Well: very
 Wicked: Malvado
 Bleeding: sangrado
 Skin=peel: cascara
 Flesh: pulpa
 Seeds: pepas
 Move on: advance
 Swap: cambio
 Full off: caerse
 Launch: start
 Unless: the same as if not
 As soon as= if
 Unlikely: small chance
 Employers: company
 Employees: workers
 Duty: have to do
 Keep up with: make as much progress as others
 Pick up: learn easily
 Catch on: understand
 Falling behind: make less progress than other people
 Get by: survive
 Let you down: disappoint/fail
 Take up: start doing something
 Word-of-mouth: boca a boca
 Handbills: small notices and advertisements
 Product placement: advertising a product by putting it in a film or a television programme
 Wages: money get
 Entrepreneur: emprendedor
 Funding: finance for the business
 Market leaders: business/producs which sell the most
 Forecast: predictions of how much money you will make or lose
 Punishment: castigo
 Bribe: dinero
 To be overweight: Estar en sobrepeso
 To be obese: ser obeso
 Obesity: obesidad
 Upset: Disappointment
 Wrong: mistake
 Blame: fault, culpability
 Although: while
 hanging out: molestando
 mass-produces: very common
 streamlined: Aerodinamico
 retro: old style
 modern: up to date
 useful: functional
 canvas: like cotton (strong)
 handmade: hecho a mano
 undertake: emprender, comprometerse a hacer algo
 appeals to: who likes this
 oak: Madera
 steel: strongest metal
 aim: try, want, intent
 wages: Money I get, salario
 supplier: proveedor
 wholesaler: mayorista
 move on: pasar
 retailer: minorista
 forecast: predictions of how much Money you will make or lose
 full of: caerse
 swap: cambio
 able to: poder, habilidad
 perhaps: talves
 afraid: miedo
 failure: error
 therefore: show results
 however: contrast
 Tie: Corbata
 Almost: Casi
 Enough: suficiente
 Carry: llevar
 Ill: enfermo
 Package: paquete
 Find out: averiguar
 Still: aun
 Upset: disgustado
 Let us help: vamos a ayudar
 Hedgehogs: Armadillos
 Picket fence: cerca
 Grass: Pasto
 Looms: Telares
 Windswept: Place which has a lot of wind and not many trees
 Desolate: completely emply
 Dune: Holl of sand on a beach or desert
 Derelict: no used
 Sand: arena
 Sailing: vela
 Shape: forma
 Pursuits: Persecuciones
 Bouyancy: flotabilidad
 Dull: Boring
 Engaging: Something interested
 Pouring rain: heavy rain
 Row: remar
 Wage: salario semanal
 Meat eating animals: carnivoros
 Prey: presa
 Challenging: dificil
 Challenge: desafio
 Preeming: vanidoso (mirarse mucho al espejo)

Wednesday 8 October 2008

HomeWork... Some History...

The Isle Of Man's history has stretched since the Mesolithic Period via the Neolithic Period, Bronze Age, Iron Age and ending with the Viking settlement. The Isle of Man has an amazing history. One example of this are megalithic monuments during Neolithic period, and these even are around the island.

To continue, at the end of the eighth century was the age of Vikings. They established the Tynwald and made many land divisions that still exist. In that time the islands of this kingdom were called the Súðreyjar or Sudreys ("southern isles").

In 1266 with the Treaty of Perth, the isles were ceded to Scotland by Norway's King Magnus VI . The Isle of Man was under English control in the fourteenth century. 1703 was the beginning of feudal government thanks to the Act of Settlement. Then since 1765, the British Crown secured a greater control over the island, without incorporating it into Great Britain, laying the grounds for the island's status as a Crown dependency.

Thanks to that autonomy in 1866 they were restored to the island's parliament and a full transition to democracy began. Quickly the isle developed as a tax haven and tourist centre, becoming increasingly prosperous during the 20th century. During the First and Second World Wars this island was a location for camps for axis citizens and suspected sympathisers.

Sunday 5 October 2008

"SelfStudy" I



1. Guess who
2. How to lose a guy in 10 days
3. Sweet November
4. Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
5. Mamma mia
6. Married Life
7. Transformers


Some of Isle of Man
Angels and demons, mystery novel by Dan Brown.
Paper: The colombian presidential elections of 1998

With my roommate every day, she is Brasilian.
Conversation Class.


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Some News

September 23, 2008 (METRO)
Japanese could save Lehman`s city staff
After Lehman brothers bankruptcy a lot of their professional employees lost their jobs, in this way one of the bigger Japanese companies want to get these people, but the problem is their salary because they cannot pay the same like Lehman.

September 25, 2008 (City AM)
Myspace challenges Apple
The change is real in digital music because the free songs of artists will be made available on Myspace, which had a restriction in the number of songs, but now the limit disappears and Myspace have artists` entire catalogues available for streaming.

September 29, 2008 (City AM)
City Banker Suicide
Stephenson success banker, dedicated father of Lucas and devoted husband of Karina. The city could not understand his dramatic death in front of a computer train. The people said he was a good worker, own of important properties in London like big house in Chelsea. But they do not the reason of his suicide.

October 2, 2008 (METRO)
... and the bride wore handcuffs
This article talk about a Portuguese woman who arrested in her wedding, because she is involved in immigration scams. Now she is in front of deportation as a suspected illegal immigration. The police said that this is one of multiple cases but he assures they are working hard to combat illegal immigration.

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Some Grammar

Past Continuous
Was/were + ____ing
1. To talk about background actions
· The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
· I was jumping with my sister
2. To talk about a longer background action in the past when a shorter action interrupts it or happens during it.
· We were talking about you when you rang
· He was listening when Pedro arrived
3. To talk about repeated actions in the past that takes place over a temporary period of time.
· People were coming in all day to buy this item
· Maria was checking all week for her tickets
4. To emphasise the duration or community of a past action
· For the whole of last month we were trying to solve this same problem
· Last week I was keeping our lives.
5. Tip: be, like, know, believe, understand was rarely used verbs in past continuous.

Past Perfect

Had + Past Participle
Use the past perfect to emphasise that one action happened before another in the past. The past perfect is often used with the conjunctions when, before, after and by.
· The film had already started when we arrived at the cinema.
· The class had begun when the teacher left the classroom.
If the sequence of the events is clear, we can also use the past simple. (I called my friend after I finished work)


To talk about present ability and possibility.
We can ask him if he´d like to join us
I can´t shi. I don´t know how do

Use could to say something is possible or likely in the future.
Your work on this could be useful later on.
That table could be good for my office

Should/ Shouldn’t
To say if something is advisable or not
I think we should ask customers what they want
We probably shouldn´t wait any longer to start work on this

Have to/ Must Which one is stronger?

must is a bit stonger, but other people might disagree! The main difference is must comes from yourslef and have to from what someone else says

We use both, to talk about something that is necessary and important, but there are some differences in meaning.
· Use have to say something is essential or that it is a general rule
When you develop a new design you have to try it out a number of times
It has to be strong enough to carry eight people.
· Use Must to say something is necessary or important in your opinion personal-
I feel that we must make the design more modern
It must be on my desk by the end of the day

Don’t have to / Mustn´t
Use don’t have to say something is not necessary
It doesn’t have to made of metal, plastic is fine
They don’t have to be here. We can decide ourselves

Use mustn´t to it is necessary or important not to do something.
We mustn´t forget to tell them about the party
They mustn´t find out about our plans. They wouldn´t like them

Use modal verbs to make guesses (deductions) about the present, based on evidence. The different model verbs express different levels of certainty.

Use must to say that you are certain something is true.
· The door is open so Michael must be home
· Jane was ill but she´s running around so she must be a lot better

Use can´t to say you are certain is not true
· This painting can´t be by Rembrandt. It´s too much modern
· The police say he attacked someone at 7pm, but it can´t be true because he was with me at that time.

To say something is possible.
· It could be true that it was all his own work. It´s definitely possible.
· The package might be from David. Open it and find out.

We can also use modal verbs with a continuous form.
· He must be feeling better
· They might be coming later

Present Perfect

Has/have + Past Participle

It looks back from now to a time before.

· A stated that started in the pasta and is still continuing. E.g. I´ve lived here all m y live.
· A completed action in the past which has some relevance to the present. (present result) E.g. There has been a severe storm and the airport is now closed.
· Finished actions in a period of time that is still continuing. E.g. I´ve been there once already today.
· Actions in the past which may happen again. E.g. Deborah Tannen has written several books on communication (She could write more books)

Important: Use the past simple not the present perfect for when talking about a definite time in the past.

HomeWork VII

First of all, in all communities men and women have different roles. The people said that because men and women have different skills. In this case we are going to compare two cultures Colombian culture and the Adi tribe`s culture.

There, just the men can go to looking for food and women have to wait. In my country both men and women work, if they want, and get resources for to make their life better every day, for example before the wedding they talk about how they are going to divide their financial obligations like save money to buy farm, better house, etc. That is possible after paying their house, study and personal obligations.

The Adi`s society does not allowed that men and women share the same place, for this reason they do not spend time together. In this way there is not exist relationship like in my country, where we spend a lot of time with our couple because they are our friends, confidents, fellows, partners, etc. And is important make a team with your couple. There we can see the difference between men and women since children hood, one example is just sons can give his father some presents.

Friday 3 October 2008

HomeWork VI

-What is the story about?
Some articles about vandals which have damaged or stolen cars around the Isle.
-What problems have been caused for local residents?
The local residents are worried because they are in the end of their safety isle.
-What do you think about this situation?
It is a big problem because the Main source of income is tourism, and the people don’t want to go to somewhere which is not safety.
-Why is it of interest to everyone, not just local people.
Because when the smart people are going to travel, they are looking for information about the place. E.g. Top Attractions, Maps and Safe.
Recently cars and motorbikes were stolen or damaged in our city, the police do not have any track, for this reason the inspector is worried. They are in front of new method, the route is smashed mirrors, they try to steal the car but when they cannot they destroyed it. Last days they have had 80% more crimes than 2 months ago.
In other hand, how they cannot understand the situation the community help the victim whit the cost of the damage. One example of that is the Citroen Saxo which was parked on Mona Drive, Douglas, on Friday.

Wednesday 1 October 2008


Is Isle of Man independent??

Isle of Man has 430 square mile, it lies between North Ireland and Scotland.

Isle of Man is member of the crown but is not part of United Kingdom. It has own government, in this way they make their laws and oversees for example internal administration, economic and social policies. Their parliament called "Tynwald", it has two cameras one is House of Keys and the other one is Legislative Council, one of the interested things there is it, because is the oldest around the world.

The legal system there is like England, they use the principal thing of Common Law but the difference is the lawyers because they have two roles one lawyers and barristers.

The relation between UK and Isle of Man consists of international relations like Island's defence and good governance. But UK does not take part in the internal decisions or public politics. In the same way with Protocol 3 to the United Kingdom’s Treaty of Accession, Isle of Man has a commercial relation with the European Union and takes part of the OECD's (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).


Isle of Man has 430 square mile, it lies between North Ireland and Scotland. It has own government but special representation by UK.

The aim of this description is the two of most important sports there “Motor racing”, since 1904 the isle of man TT has performed every august-September. That is on the public roads because Isle of Man has a different legislation which allows the closing of public roads for the races but the agreement is the "Isle of Man was ready to take up the mantle of the Road Racing Capital of the World, a slogan it has used for many years."(URL: It is important to say that the Isle of Man enjoys a global reputation for its motorsport.

In other hand, Isle of Man has nine golf fields, eight eighteen hole ones and a nine holes. After you drive 45 minutes you can find fresh and nice views to enjoy the game. If you do not know play, they have a lot of different courses for you.

HomeWork V - Description


Isle of Man has 430 square mile, it lies between North Ireland and Scotland. It has own government but special representation by UK. The aim of this description is the two of most important sports there “Motor racing”, since 1904 the isle of man TT has performed every august-September. That is on the public roads because Isle of Man has a different legislation which allows the closing of public roads for the races but the agreement is the Isle of Man was ready to take up the mantle of the Road. it is important to say that the Isle of Man enjoys a global reputation for its motorsport.

In other hand, Isle of Man has nine golf fields, eight eighteen hole ones and a nine holes. After you drive 45 minutes you can find fresh and nice views to enjoy the game. If you do not know play, they have a lot of different courses for you.