Droplets: Gotas
Gaelic: Old Scottish language
Red Cross: Cruz roja
Leaflets: Flyers de doblar
Household goods: Bienes de la casa. Comida, luces, maquinas.
Fair trade: If you do the format, you can get the product cheaper.
Almost: Casi
Also: (too) tambien
Awful: more bad
Accurately: exactamente
Above: Sobre
Acknowledge: reconocer
Attempt: V. Intentar/ n. Intento
Among: entre more than 2
Begin: empezar
Bright: brillante
Both: ambos
Bridge: Puente
Bride: soborno
Burglar: ladron
Bedclothes: pyjama (ropa de dormer)
Behavior: comportamiento
Between: compation only 2.
Burn down: Complete destroyed by fire.
Brainstorm: lluvia de ideas
Chatting: chat
Cloudless: despejado
Carefully: cuidadosamente
Crawl: gatear
Childhood: niñez
Convenient: better form
Current: corriente
Chased: escaper
Dizzy: mareado
Drop: Gotas
Dropped: disminuyo
Dirty: sucio
Distract: distraer
Dress up: vestirse elegante
Depress: unhappy
Desk: mesa
Depend on: dependencia negative (drugs)
Effort: esfuerzo
Encourage: animar
Ensure: asegurar
Fail: fallar, fracasar
Fees: honorarios, pago
Find: encontrar
Fear: miedo
Filthy: very dirty
Further : muy lejos
Get: obterner, conseguir
Gorgeous: pretty, so beautiful
Gonna: go to
Guarantee: garantia
Hungry: hambre
Homesick: nostalgic
High: alto
Highbrow: sofisticado, intellectual
Hooked: addicted
Huge: enormous
Hope: esperar
Hearth: Corazon
Head each: dolor de cabeza
Each: dolor
Heaven: cielo
Hell: infierno
However: sin embargo
Hug: abrazo, abrazar
Hoodlum: similar to ganster
Improve: mejorar
Injury: lesion
Just: justo, presisamente
Jaw: quijada
Joking: bromista, broma
Jealous: celos
Judge: juez
Join in: take part
Keep: guarder
Lazy: perezoso
Lonely: solitary
Londoner: londinense
Lying: mentiroso, falso
Liability: responsabilidad
Look over: read but not carefully
Look up: sin concentracion
Light up: iluminar
Liar: mentiroso
Meet: encontrar, conocer
Moustache: bigote
Matter: asunto
Must: deber
Nuisance: estorbo
Outdoor: aire libre
Outfit: conjunto ropa
Own: propio
Often: many times (frecuently)
Ozone layer: capa de ozono
Pass: pasar
Pray: orar, rezar
Proffesor: teacher at university
Powerful: poder
Punish: castigo
Roller-coasters: montaña rusa
Robber: ladron
Rowling: remar
Shot: disparo
Suddenly: repentinamente
Strong: fuerte
Spend: gastar
Strength: fuerza
Show: mostrar
Surprised: amazing
Surgeon: Doctor, cirujano
Still: continuar
Sink: hundir
Such: tal
Share: dividir, compartir
See off: dejar de ver
So on: etc
Thilled: more exited
Taste: sabor
Timely: oportuno
Therefore: por consiguiente
Mess: desorden
Untrue: mentira
Weakness: debilidad
Well: very
Wicked: Malvado
Bleeding: sangrado
Skin=peel: cascara
Flesh: pulpa
Seeds: pepas
Move on: advance
Swap: cambio
Full off: caerse
Launch: start
Unless: the same as if not
As soon as= if
Unlikely: small chance
Employers: company
Employees: workers
Duty: have to do
Keep up with: make as much progress as others
Pick up: learn easily
Catch on: understand
Falling behind: make less progress than other people
Get by: survive
Let you down: disappoint/fail
Take up: start doing something
Word-of-mouth: boca a boca
Handbills: small notices and advertisements
Product placement: advertising a product by putting it in a film or a television programme
Wages: money get
Entrepreneur: emprendedor
Funding: finance for the business
Market leaders: business/producs which sell the most
Forecast: predictions of how much money you will make or lose
Punishment: castigo
Bribe: dinero
To be overweight: Estar en sobrepeso
To be obese: ser obeso
Obesity: obesidad
Upset: Disappointment
Wrong: mistake
Blame: fault, culpability
Although: while
hanging out: molestando
mass-produces: very common
streamlined: Aerodinamico
retro: old style
modern: up to date
useful: functional
canvas: like cotton (strong)
handmade: hecho a mano
undertake: emprender, comprometerse a hacer algo
appeals to: who likes this
oak: Madera
steel: strongest metal
aim: try, want, intent
wages: Money I get, salario
supplier: proveedor
wholesaler: mayorista
move on: pasar
retailer: minorista
forecast: predictions of how much Money you will make or lose
full of: caerse
swap: cambio
able to: poder, habilidad
perhaps: talves
afraid: miedo
failure: error
therefore: show results
however: contrast
Tie: Corbata
Almost: Casi
Enough: suficiente
Carry: llevar
Ill: enfermo
Package: paquete
Find out: averiguar
Still: aun
Upset: disgustado
Let us help: vamos a ayudar
Hedgehogs: Armadillos
Picket fence: cerca
Grass: Pasto
Looms: Telares
Windswept: Place which has a lot of wind and not many trees
Desolate: completely emply
Dune: Holl of sand on a beach or desert
Derelict: no used
Sand: arena
Sailing: vela
Shape: forma
Pursuits: Persecuciones
Bouyancy: flotabilidad
Dull: Boring
Engaging: Something interested
Pouring rain: heavy rain
Row: remar
Wage: salario semanal
Meat eating animals: carnivoros
Prey: presa
Challenging: dificil
Challenge: desafio
Preeming: vanidoso (mirarse mucho al espejo)
no story
15 years ago
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